2024 Winter Trout Line Newsletter
Check out the latest issue of MTU’s Trout Line newsletter! Read it online here or download a PDF for your favorite reading device. To join our mailing list, email [email protected].
Farnum Alston: a commitment to conservation
By Kelley Willett I never had the good fortune to meet him, but I know that Farnum Alston fished all over the world. His friendships and achievements also span the globe. Farnum’s resume lists a plethora of accomplishments that are a testament to his lifelong commitment to public service and environmental protection. I know all…
We’re Hiring! Seeking a Custer-Gallatin Forest Project Manager
ABOUT MONTANA TROUT UNLIMITED Montana Trout Unlimited (MTU) represents more than 4,200 members and supporters organized into 13 chapters in Montana. We are a small, dedicated, creative staff tasked with overseeing our mission to conserve, protect, and restore Montana’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. MTU fulfills this mission through staff and volunteer-led outreach and education,…

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