On the Ground Projects
BOR Grant increases capacity in Jefferson
Watershed planning in the Jefferson River basin will have increased capacity thanks to the continued partnership between the Jefferson River Watershed Council (JRWC) and Montana Trout Unlimited (MTU). The United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) announced on July 2, 2024, that the partners received a $300,000 funding commitment over 3 years through the USBR’s Cooperative Watershed Management Program. Funding…
We’re Hiring! Seeking a Custer-Gallatin Forest Project Manager
ABOUT MONTANA TROUT UNLIMITED Montana Trout Unlimited (MTU) represents more than 4,200 members and supporters organized into 13 chapters in Montana. We are a small, dedicated, creative staff tasked with overseeing our mission to conserve, protect, and restore Montana’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. MTU fulfills this mission through staff and volunteer-led outreach and education,…