The Smith River needs your voice – comment on the draft EIS today.

The channels and braids mirror our veins, giving our hearts a purpose.  The veins of copper ore are not where the real treasure lies.  It is the alchemy of the river that will continue to change us infinitely if we let it – Laura Churchman

Laura Churchman’s stirring op-ed strikes to the heart of why the Smith River is so important to preserve.  This place of infinite, restorative beauty is under threat.  We are calling on all of you, lovers of the river, to raise their voices against the mine that threatens to irreparably damage the Smith River drainage.

How can you help?

Attend an informational session about the mine and the recently released Draft EIS on May 6, 2019, Garden City Harvest Meeting Room, 1657 River Road, Missoula, MT

Submit official comments advocating for the Smith River to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality by emailing [email protected].  Visit in the coming weeks if you would like substantive talking points to make your comment stronger.

Attend one of three public hearings to provide your comment in person:

  • April 24, 2019 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Great Falls High School Upper Field House, 1900 5th Ave., (entrance to the south side of the building, at the intersection of 5th Ave. South and 19th Street), Great Falls, Montana
  • April 29, 2019 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Park High School, 102 View Vista Dr., Livingston, Montana
  • April 30, 2019 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the White Sulphur Springs High School, 405 S. Central Ave., White Sulphur Springs, Montana

Or, get online for one of two webinars offered by the Montana DEQ. Registration can be completed by following this link.

And next time you’re on Facebook, Instagram, other social media, or just talking to friends, family or strangers face-to-face, spread the word.  The DEQ needs to hear from you.  The Smith River needs you.